Barrett Awards
Honoring Charles S. Barrett (1902 – 1994)
Charles Barrett was a pioneering X-ray metallurgist who was instrumental in advancing the use of X-ray diffractometry to characterize metals and alloys at the atomic level. He also established a topographic method for evaluations of metals, now known as the Berg-Barrett Method, and authored the classic X-ray diffraction/metallography book entitled “Structure of Metals.” He began his career in 1928 when he joined the Metallurgy Department at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. Over his career, he contributed his talents to institutions such as Carnegie Institute of Technology, University of Chicago, University of Denver, University of Birmingham, and Oxford University.
The Denver X-ray Conference Advisory Committee established the Barrett Award in 1986 to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of powder diffraction. Named in honor of Charles S. Barrett for his many years of exceptional work in the field, the award is presented biennially in odd numbered calendar years.
Selection Process
The Barrett Award Committee consists of three members; two of the three members are members of the Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee (DXCOC).
Each member of the award committee may select as many as three candidates for the award. Each committee member assigns a point value to each candidate, based on his or her selection as first, second, or third choice. The candidate who receives the highest amount of points will receive the award.
Award Presentation
The Barrett Award is presented at the Plenary Session of the Denver X-ray Conference. It consists of a commemorative plaque, detailing the recipient’s scientific achievements and contributions to the field of powder diffraction, and a gift of $1,000.
Submission Process
- Electronic: Candidates may be submitted to the Chairman of the DXC Award Committee by completing a DXC Awards Nomination Form. In addition to the nomination form, the candidate’s curriculum vitae must be sent via email to sjennings@icdd.com or by mail or fax using the contact information below.
- Hardcopy: Alternatively, candidates may be submitted to the Chairman of the Selection Committee by mailing a letter of support describing the candidate’s major accomplishments relative to the award, signed by the nominator and two others, along with the candidate’s curriculum vitae to:
Chairman, DXC Awards Selection Committee
c/o Stephanie Jennings
International Centre for Diffraction Data
12 Campus Boulevard
Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273 USA
Fax: 610.325-9823
Email: sjennings@icdd.com
Ludo Frevel Scholarship
DXC Awards
Submission Deadline
Submissions must be made by 1 October for the next year’s award.
Barrett Award Winners
- 2023 - Ashfia Huq
- 2021 - James Kaduk
- 2019 - Peter Stephens
- 2017 - Daniel Louër
- 2015 - Brian Toby
- 2013 - Vaclav Petricek
- 2011 - Juan Rodriques-Carvajal
- 2009 - Robert Von Dreele
- 2007 - Sunil K. Sinha
- 2005 - Keith Bowen
- 2005 - Brian Tanner
- 2003 - Hugo Rietveld**
- 2001 - David E. Cox
- 1999 - Howard F. McMurdie**
- 1997 - James D. Jorgensen
- 1995 - Paul Predecki
- 1993 - Ron Jenkins**
- 1991 - Deane K. Smith**
- 1989 - Jerome B. Cohen**
- 1987 - William Parrish**

2023 Barrett Award Recipient
Ashfia Huq, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
ICDD is pleased to announce the 2023 Barrett Award Recipient, Dr. Ashfia Huq. Established in 1986, the Barrett Award honors outstanding contributions to the field of powder diffraction. Dr. Huq received the award for her commitment to and leadership in the advancement of spallation neutron powder diffraction and for her service to the neutron powder diffraction community.

2021 Barrett Award Recipient
James Kaduk
We are pleased to announce the 2021 Barrett Award Recipient, Dr. James Kaduk. Established in1986, the Barrett Award honors outstanding contributions to the field of powder diffraction.
Throughout his career, Dr. James Kaduk, of Poly Crystallography, Inc., has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the application of powder diffraction techniques, and to extending its understanding to a broader audience among the general scientific community. For over 30 years, Jim has devoted his professional life to the solution and refinement of crystal structures using powder diffraction data.
As President and Principal Scientist of Poly Crystallography, Inc., he has applied Rietveld refinement to the investigation of a plethora of crystalline samples to obtain atomic or molecular structure information, as well as qualitative and quantitative phase information using both laboratory and synchrotron-based techniques. Jim has co-authored over 300 publications and has contributed more than 1,000 entries to the Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF®). His work has been credited with enhancing the quality, content, coverage, and utility of the PDF. For this and other achievements, Jim received the 2017 Jenkins Award for lifetime achievement in advancing the use of X-rays for materials analysis and the 2020 McMurdie Award for distinguished work that improves the PDF’s ability to identify and characterize materials.
Jim’s years of service in many different organizations are quite numerous. Select positions include his serving as Chair of the U.S. National Committee for Crystallography from 2006 to 2008, Treasurer of the American Crystallographic Association from 2013 to 2015, and a member of the National Synchrotron Lightsource Scientific Advisory Committee from 2007 to 2009. He has also contributed his talents to the Denver X-ray Conference as an Organizing Committee member from 2001 to 2017. Jim has consistently provided his expertise in a variety of roles at ICDD, serving on the Board of Directors as Director-at-Large from 1990 to 1994 and 1996 to 2000, as Technical Chair from 2000 to 2004, and as Chair from 2004 to 2008. Currently, he is the ICDD Treasurer and has been recognized as an ICDD Fellow in 2001 and a Distinguished Fellow in 2010.
His passion for education is equally apparent as his dedication to professional organizations. He currently holds positions as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at the Illinois Institute of Technology and North Central College. In addition, he has taught at numerous ACA and ICDD short courses covering the fields of Rietveld refinement and crystallography. Jim has served as co-editor of Acta Crystallographica B, Advances in X-ray Analysis, and the International Tables for Crystallography Volume H: Powder Diffraction.
Jim has consistently been generous with his knowledge, expertise, and time. Simply put, Jim exemplifies the qualities that the Barrett Award recognizes. Congratulations, Jim!

2019 Barrett Award Recipient
Peter Stephens (left) with Conal Murray

2017 Barrett Award Recipient
Daniel Louër (left)

2015 Barrett Award Recipient
Brian Toby (right)

2013 Barrett Award Recipient
Vaclav Petricek (right)

2011 Barrett Award Recipient
Juan Rodriques-Carvajal

2009 Barrett Award Recipient
Robert Von Dreele

2007 Barrett Award Recipient
Sunil K. Sinha

2005 Barrett Award Recipient
Keith Bowen (right)

2005 Barrett Award Recipient
Brian Tanner (left)

2003 Barrett Award Recipient
Hugo Rietveld (right)

2001 Barrett Award Recipient
David E. Cox (right)

1999 Barrett Award Recipient
Howard F. McMurdie (left)

1997 Barrett Award Recipient
James D. Jorgensen (left)

1995 Barrett Award Recipient
Paul Predecki (right)

1993 Barrett Award Recipient
Ron Jenkins (right)

1991 Barrett Award Recipient
Deane K. Smith (left)

1989 Barrett Award Recipient
Jerome B. Cohen (right)

1987 Barrett Award Recipient
William Parrish (left)