Powder Diffraction Journal

Practical techniques •  Published articles relating to applications  •  Latest advances in software


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Past Issues

Journal of Materials Characterization

Powder Diffraction is a quarterly journal published by the JCPDS-International Centre for Diffraction Data through the Cambridge University Press. The journal focuses on practical technique, publishing articles relating to the widest range of application from materials analysis to epitaxial growth of thin films and to the latest advances in software. Although practice is emphasized, theory is not neglected, especially as its discussion relates to better understanding of technique.

Cambridge University Press publishes over 280 peer-reviewed academic journals in a wide variety of subject areas. They have over 50 offices across the globe and publish over 40,000 titles by authors from over 100 countries.

Open Access articles, Abstracts, Editorials, and International Reports from Powder Diffraction Journal are available online free of charge at Cambridge Core. A subscription is necessary for articles, including early viewing of FirstView articles. Authors, titles, and page numbers are listed in the Past Issue Pages.

PDJ photo collage


Powder Diffraction Journal

Vol. 39 No.3 September 2024

On the Cover: The cover figure for this issue of Powder Diffraction was prepared using figures from the manuscript “Bimodal microstructural characterization of Si powder using X-ray diffraction: the role of peak shape” by Ashok Bhakar and colleagues of the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Indore, India.

The cover figure shows the results of profile fitting for the characterization of bi-modal Rietveld refinement for Si powder. The fitting of the X-ray powder diffraction data used pseudo-Voigt (pV) and Thompson-Cox-Hastings (TCH) peak profile functions. The manuscript clearly demonstrates that for high-quality (e.g., synchrotron source) data, it is possible to Rietveld refine the bimodal distribution of crystallite sizes.

PDJ June 2024 Cover

Vol. 39 No.2 June 2024

On the Cover: The cover figure for this issue of Powder Diffraction was prepared using figures from the manuscript “Characterization of MoS2 Films Via Simultaneous Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction and Grazing Incidence X-ray Fluorescence (GIXRD/GIXRF)” by M.A. Rodrigues, et al of Sandia National Laboratories. The GIXRD data provides information on the film density and grain orientation (texture) as shown on the left side. The GIXRF yields the chemical composition, shown on the right. The authors showed that combining the two sets of results enabled isolation and decoupling the film density, composition and microstructure. Such extensive combined characterization data can be used to enhance the PVD deposited MoS2 thin films used as solid lubricants for extreme operating environments.

PDF-5+: a Comprehensive Powder Diffraction File for Materials Characterization

– Soorya N. Kabekkodu, Anja Dosen, and Thomas N. Blanton (2024): International Centre for Diffraction Data

Powder Diffraction is now an online only journal. If you are interested in learning more, please see this FAQ from Cambridge University Press. You can also read more here about ongoing print reduction efforts at CUP in line with environmental and sustainability targets.

Call for Papers graphic 1

Call for Papers

Do you have an interesting diffraction-related topic for Powder Diffraction Journal?

Submit your idea to our Editor-in-Chief:

Have an interesting compound or diffraction technique you are working on?

Call for Papers 2

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ICDD’s international journal, Powder Diffraction, published quarterly plus an annual special topical issue, in collaboration with the Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee, has increased services for the subscribers of Powder Diffraction and authors of Advances in X-ray Analysis (AXA). Beginning in 2006, ICDD offered access to of the previous year’s edition of AXA to Powder Diffraction institutional print/online subscribers. This effectively doubles the number of articles annually available to Powder Diffraction subscribers and significantly increases the circulation for the authors in Advances in X-ray Analysis.

Subject coverage includes:
  • Techniques and procedures in X-ray powder diffractometry
  • Advances in instrumentation
  • Study of materials including organic materials, minerals, metals and thin film superconductors
  • Publication of powder data on new materials

Institutional Online 2024
GBP – €239
USD – $324

Individual Online 2024
GBP – €146
USD – $191

Student Article 2024
GBP – €25
USD – $35

*APC 2024
GBP – £2,320
USD – $3,450

  • Subscription rates to Eastern Hemisphere include airfreight service.
  • Back-Number Prices: 2019 single copies: $150

*Article Processing Charges (APC) only apply to Gold Open Access articles.
***Contact Cambridge University Press (subscriptions_newyork@cambridge.org) for pricing outside the USA and Canada

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  • PDJ is an Open Access – Hybrid Journal
    Please review the Instructions for Authors for more information about Open Access options.
  • Open Access Waivers and Discounts – If your institution has a Read and Publish agreement, you may publish your article Gold OA at no cost to you, or with discount for your article processing charge (APC).
  • The Managing Editor, Nicole Ernst Boris (boris@icdd.com),
    must receive your License to Publish agreement before your manuscript can be published.
Please see the following resources for ScholarOne:
Quick Style and Submission Guidelines:
  1. Submit manuscripts in Word in Chicago Manual of Style format
  2. Include tables at the end of the manuscript
  3. Data files (raw/CIF/DFT etc.) are required with the manuscript as applicable
  4. Submit all figures as separate image files – do not embed in the manuscript
    • EPS/Tiff/Tif files offer the best resolution
    • Include figure captions at the end of the manuscript
    • Be sure the captions map to the figures mentioned [i.e. If you load figures 1a, 1b, 1c your caption should refer to 1a, 1b, 1c]

Questions?  Please email Nicole Ernst Boris, Managing Editor at pdj@icdd.com

For Information about Advertising rates and schedules contact: Stephanie Kogel

Powder Diffraction is presently available online at Cambridge Core. Since initial implementation there has been a steady increase in online subscription readership. This has occurred because of the participation of Powder Diffraction in a number of large publishing consortia. By contract, these consortia provide access to a large number of users solely by online access. The web site is also visited thousands of times per month by non-subscribers who view the contents and abstracts. Cambridge University Press offers several online slots for banners in addition to print ads.

For more information about advertising options and rates, please contact: 

Stephanie Kogel
Account Manager
M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.
Phone: 856-768-9360
Fax: 856-753-0064

2012 masthead

CODEN: PODIE2 ISSN: 0885-7156 e-ISSN: 1945-7413



Camden Hubbard, Applied Diffraction Services

Managing Editor

Nicole Ernst Boris, International Centre for Diffraction Data

Production Editor

Amy Woolf, Cambridge University Press, USA

Editors for New Diffraction Data

Soorya Kabekkodu, International Centre for Diffraction Data

Associate Editor for New Diffraction Data

Frank Rotella, Argonne National Laboratory (Retired)


Xiaolong Chen, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

José Miguel Delgado, Universidad de Los Andes

Norberto Masciocchi, Università dell’Insubria

Editors for Crystallography Education

James Kaduk, Poly Crystallography Inc.

Brian H. Toby, Argonne National Lab, Advanced Photon Source

International Reports Editor

Winnie Wong-Ng, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Calendar of Meetings and Workshops Editor

Gang Wang, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


The PDJ Advisory Board is served by ICDD Regional Co-Chairs and members of Cambridge University Press

Evgeny Antipov
Moscow State University, Russia

Xiaolong Chen
Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China

Jose Miguel Delgado
University de Los Andes, Venezuela

Steve Hillier
The James Hutton Institute, Scotland, UK

Takashi Ida
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Allison Keene
Cambridge University Press, USA

Robert Dinnebier
Max-Planck Institute fuer Festkoerperforschung, Germany

Vanessa Peterson
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia

Mark Rodriguez
Sandia National Labs, USA

T.N. Guru Row
Indian Institute of Science, India

Document Delivery, Online Availability and Permission for use:

Document Delivery and Online availability: Abstracts and articles of Powder Diffraction are currently available at Cambridge Core .

PDF copies of articles can be ordered online from the Contents or Abstract view.

Copying: Single copies of individual articles may be made for private use or research. Authorization is given (as indicated by the Item Fee Code for this publication) to copy articles beyond the use permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law, provided the copying fee of $30.00 per copy per article is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Persons desiring to photocopy materials for classroom use should contact the CCC Academic Permissions Service. The Item Fee Code for this publication is 0885-7156/2012 $30.00. Authorization does not extend to systematic or multiple reproduction, to copying for promotional purposes, to electronic storage or distribution, or to republication in any form. In all such cases, specific written permission from Cambridge University Press must be obtained

Permission for Other Use: Permission is granted to quote from the journal with the customary acknowledgment of the source. To reprint a figure, table, or other excerpt requires the consent of one of the authors and notification to Cambridge University Press.

Requests for Permission: 

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