Tuition Waiver Opportunities

ICDD offers a limited number of tuition waivers for the XRF, XRDI, XRDII, and Rietveld clinics. The tuition waivers were established to promote the education of the scientific community, particularly the academic sector, in X-ray materials analysis. Tuition waivers are named in honor of Dr. Eugene P. Bertin, Dr. Ron Jenkins, Dr. Deane K. Smith, William Frank McClune, and Earle Ryba, pioneers of the field of X-ray analysis, for their dedication and service to the ICDD’s X-ray clinics.

Faculty members and graduate students are encouraged to apply. If you are currently developing a program in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) or Rietveld Analysis, or are interested in incorporating these topics into an established course, a tuition waiver can provide you with the opportunity to learn the principles and practices of these disciplines from some of the experts in the field. Please note that tuition waivers cover the tuition only; travel and lodging are the responsibility of the attendee.  In order to be included in our room block, reserve your accommodations as soon as possible. If you don’t receive the tuition waiver you can cancel your room reservations without penalty one week prior to the start of your stay.

To apply for a tuition waiver, please submit a one-page written request stating your objectives in attending the course, and/or how you will incorporate these disciplines into your curriculum to the address listed below. Tuition waiver applications must be accompanied by a registration form (pdf version) and received at ICDD at least six weeks prior to the start of the course. All applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis, and recipients will be notified no later than four weeks prior to the start of the course.

Please submit your request for a tuition waiver to:
International Centre for Diffraction Data
12 Campus Boulevard • Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273
Tel: (610) 325-9814 • Fax: (610) 325-9823 • Email:

How to apply for a Tuition Waiver:

Please submit a one-page written request stating your objectives in attending the course, and/or how you will incorporate these disciplines into your curriculum. Tuition waiver applications must be accompanied by a registration form below and received at ICDD at least six weeks before the start of the course.

Submit registration form:
Application Deadlines:
  • XRF – 10 February 2025
  • XRD – 21 April 2025

Hotel Accommodations

Tuition Waiver Recipients

Patrick Casbeer
2024 XRD I & II Waiver Recipient
Patrick Casbeer, University of Houston, with Tom Blanton, ICDD Executive Director
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