ICDD PDF and JADE Users’ Workshop

The FREE PDF and JADE Users’ Workshop will be held before the 73rd Denver X-ray Conference in Westminster, Colorado, on Sunday, 4 August 2024.

Join us for the ICDD PDF and JADE Users’ Workshop, designed to help you get the most from your database and analysis software featuring the PDF and JADE. Learn new techniques and see some powerful recently-introduced tools. Learn the potential of each – as well as the superpower they become when coupled together. You will walk away with tips and tools to build your confidence and improve your productivity. Meet and learn from ICDD’s and Materials Data’s experts and developers:

  • Data Collection for better phase identification
  • Data Mining:
    User examples – Basic data mining and creating graphs (thermal expansion)
    User examples – Whole pattern matching with raw data (similarity indexes)
    User examples – Using data mining in combination with phase ID (SIeve+)
  • Navigating a PDF entry
  • New features
  • Analyzing 2D Data in SIeve+ (with user examples)
  • Navigating JADE (emphasis on phase ID and quantitative analysis)
  • New Features in JADE
  • Exploring JADE Toolkit

Hands-on access to PDF-5+ and JADE Pro will be available through a remote desktop server via web access. Attendees should bring their laptop computer with wireless web access (Edge, Chrome, Firefox).

Are there any features of the database that you would like to learn more about? Email Ben Hish (hish@icdd.com) with your suggestions; we would gladly integrate them into the next Users’ Workshop.

DXC Users' Workshop

Sunday, 4 August 2024 • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
The Westin Westminster • Windsor Room
Lunch included!

Registration ended 12 July 2024

Users' Workshop
Users' Workshop
Users' Workshop
Users' Workshop
Users' Workshop
Users' Workshop
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