The ICDD Grant-in-Aid Program
Grants to researchers around the world to provide high-quality
data and refined search techniques!
Online proposal deadlines are 31 January
and 31 July!
Each year, the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) extends financial support to qualified investigators, in the form of grants-in-aid awarded on a competing proposal basis, for the preparation of reference X-ray powder diffraction data. The ICDD charter stipulates that the goals of the ICDD include the collection and dissemination of diffraction reference standards and the sponsorship of suitable research projects for the improvement and utilization of such data. The ICDD Grant-in-Aid Program was established to contribute to these goals.
- Cycle I: (1 April to 28 February)
Proposal Submission Deadline – 31 January - Cycle II: (1 October to 31 August)
Proposal Submission Deadline – 31 July
Please email Denise DelCasale, ICDD Grant-in-Aid Coordinator – with any questions.
New To The Grant-in-Aid Program?

Let’s Get Started:
- Register
- Upload a CV or Resume using our online portal
- Submit a full diffraction pattern as collected on a Standard Reference Material (SRM) used to Calibrate and check the performance of your diffractometer using our online portal
- Once your pattern is approved, you will be able to submit your first proposal of up to 5 compounds.
- Proposal Submission Deadlines are 31 January and 31 July
Does your research project involve the preparation and characterization of new materials using powder diffraction techniques?
If the answer is YES, then ICDD’s Grant-in-Aid Program is the perfect fit for you!
For over 80 years, ICDD has been dedicated to collecting, editing, publishing, and distributing powder diffraction data for the identification of crystalline materials. ICDD’s boasts one of the world’s largest software databases, The Powder Diffraction File™, or PDF® which continues to grow and evolve. To assist us in this growth, ICDD has called on researchers from around the world to contribute their experimental data. Their contributions account for approximately a quarter of the current experimental file. In return, ICDD supports their efforts with funds provided through our Grant-in-Aid Program.
The funds can help upgrade your lab equipment and supplies, aid your current research, or help in pursuing a new project. It is much more than just the monetary funds that ICDD provides to our approved recipients of the grant program. One of the most valuable benefits received by our grantees is the price reduction of 50% off an ICDD PDF-5+ database. This savings is huge! It is one of the many reasons ICDD grantees return year after year to participate in this program.
Help meet the individual needs of diffractionists worldwide!
Directed Goals of Grants
Preferential consideration will be given to proposals for generation of high-quality experimental powder diffraction patterns, based on new data for phases which are not now represented in the Powder Diffraction File (PDF), but which are likely to be of considerable interest to present and future PDF users. Special consideration will also be given to classes of substances of high current interest, including new types of materials, which have significance in industrial and research applications. While these priorities will change with time, the ICDD interests generally lie in ensuring that the PDF satisfies the paramount needs of the diffraction community. Proposals for generating patterns of a series of materials differing only by substitution of similar atoms, with little effect on the patterns, will not be given high priority.
On occasion, the ICDD will entertain grant proposals for the generation of high-quality experimental PDF patterns of materials for which current PDF patterns exist but are of such lesser quality that identification of the phases by most users is seriously affected. In addition, the ICDD will consider proposals for the generation of high-quality calculated patterns based on demonstrably correct structure data for phases not already represented in the PDF. It should be remembered, however, that the main interests for the Grant-in-Aid Program are in the production of new, high-quality indexed experimental patterns.
In the assessment of what is “new”, it should be kept in mind that, at any one time, 50,000 patterns may be in the editorial process at the ICDD. The intending proposer can avoid the disappointment of proposing a pattern that would potentially duplicate an existing, but yet unpublished, pattern by contacting the Grant Coordinator at ICDD Headquarters prior to submission of a proposal for access to the web-based list of compounds in the ICDD master database which includes published patterns and those in the editorial process.
Consecutive proposals will be considered for those grant recipients who have clearly demonstrated their ability to meet the goals of the current grant projects, while furthering the goals of the ICDD. Occasionally, an extenuating circumstance occurs during a recipient’s grant period, which makes the recipient unable to complete the project by the deadline. When this occurs, the grant recipient must contact the Grant Coordinator immediately.
ICDD grants are not subject to cost accounting and reporting on the part of the recipient institution and, in exchange, cost-sharing on the part of the institution is expected. Typically, this cost-sharing takes the form of waiver of indirect costs and contribution of faculty salary or principal investigator time. Copyright on the patterns and supporting information is transferred to the ICDD. However, publication in Powder Diffraction or other appropriate journals with acknowledgement of the ICDD Grant-in-Aid is encouraged.
The ICDD Grant-in-Aid Program observes two independent cycles. The schedule for each cycle is listed below.
Cycle I | Cycle II | |
Proposal Submission Deadline | 31 January | 31 July |
Grant Cycle Start | 1 April | 1 October |
Grant Cycle End – Final Reports Due | 28 February | 31 August |
Progress Report Due | 30 September | 31 March |
Grant-in-Aid Committee Proposal Review | March | September |
Pattern-Producing Grants
In response to proposals by groups not acquainted with the ICDD’s goals and expectations, “starter” grants are issued for the first-time grantees and are set at a maximum of 5 patterns for $1,000. Their purpose is to give promising potential grantees the chance to demonstrate that they have the required pattern-producing capability so that they can submit a strong proposal in time for a future deadline.
Pattern-producing grants are intended principally to be supplements to other research projects in which single phase pure compounds are being synthesized and characterized. Support is provided by the ICDD to prepare reference powder diffraction patterns (d & I type) of these compounds for the PDF. The required data format to submit to the ICDD is CIF. The data entry program, DataQUACkER, allows users to save most of the GiA required data as a CIF. Submission of digitized diffractograms is a requirement of the ICDD Grant-in-Aid Program. This digitized pattern should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the ICDD, entitled Guidelines for the Preparation of Digitized X-ray Powder Patterns. Similarly, grant recipients are strongly encouraged to produce Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR) data on all new phases. If Rietveld refinement is used in the work, the grantees are encouraged to submit the refined atomic coordinates and other crystal structural data.
Pattern-Quality-Enhancement Grants
The ICDD sponsors grants that are not intended to produce new patterns, but rather to support projects which advance the quality of the PDF by replacing existing patterns with improved ones. Included within this category are projects based on historical reviews of the PDF, reworking of data already present in the PDF, and preparation of supporting material. Consideration will be given primarily to those project proposals, which are directly applicable to specific interests of the ICDD or have potential for future diffraction analysis tools or products. Please contact the Grant-in-Aid Coordinator before submitting an application for this type of grant to discuss suitability of the proposal.
Use this list as a guide or recommendation in making a selection for Grant-in-Aid proposals.
ICDD is always looking to enhance and expand our database with interesting high-quality diffraction patterns.
Amino Acid, Peptide & Complex
Battery Material
Cement Material
Hydrogen Storage Material
Ionic conductor
Micro & Mesoporous
Mineral & Related Material
Nucleoside & Nucleotide
Pigment & Dye
Porphyrin, Corrin & Complex
Superconducting Material
Submission of Grant-in-Aid Proposals
Grant-in-Aid proposal submissions are received via the on-line web portal using the Grantee Login/Register button located above. If this is your first time submitting a proposal to ICDD, you are required to register and upload a CV or resume. Once registered, you will be asked to submit for review a full diffraction pattern of a Standard Reference Material (SRM) used to calibrate and check the performance of the diffractometer you will be using for your data collection. Once your SRM is approved, you will be able to submit your proposal using the web portal. Deadlines for receipt of Grant-in-Aid proposals are 31 January and 31 July.
Processing of Grant-in-Aid Proposals
The ICDD Grant-in-Aid Committee reviews all proposals received. The committee reviews proposals submitted by the 31 January deadline in March and for the 31 July deadline in September. Approved proposals for Grant-in-Aid funding become effective as of 1 April (Cycle I) and 1 October (Cycle II). You will receive notification by the Grant-in-Aid Coordinator of the outcome of your proposal following the review meetings. On approval of a proposal, an Acknowledgement of Agreement of the Approved Grant and a Publishing Agreement will be issued. ICDD obtains the copyright for the data provided on approved grant projects. Permission for grantees to publish the data at a later date will be granted upon request.
Payments for Approved Grant-in-Aid Projects
Grant-in-Aid funds are initiated by wire transfer only. The payments structure is based on the total amount of funding approved. The funds will be disbursed quarterly or on a semi-annual basis during the grant cycle.
There have been hundreds of Grant-in-Aid recipients. See ICDD’s Distinguished Grantees and 1,000 Pattern Achievement Honorees.
In addition to financial support, Grant-in-Aid recipients received a Certificate of Publication,
discounted ICDD Products, a complimentary one-year subscription to the Powder Diffraction Journal, and publication in the Powder Diffraction File.