Powder Diffraction Journal

Volume 24 – 2009


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PDJ - March Volume 24 Cover

Abstracts, Editorials, and International Reports from Powder Diffraction are now available online free of charge. To view the abstracts with option to purchase articles or login if you have a subscription, please visit Cambridge Journals Online.

Powder Diffraction – Vol. 24 Number 1 – March 2009


Nicole M. Ernst
Introducing PeerXPress for Powder Diffraction (1)

Ting C. Huang
Powder Diffraction: Theory and Practice — a new and comprehensive book on the methods and applications of powder diffraction(2)


L. N. Ji, Y. Q. Chen, J. B. Li, J. Luo, J. K. Liang, and G. H. Rao
Crystal structure determination of K2Zn(PO3)4 (4)

P. Rajiv, R. E. Dinnebier, and M. Jansen
Automatic determination of phase transition points in in situ X-ray powder diffraction experiments (8)

Jennifer S. Le Blond, Gordon Cressey, Claire J. Horwell, and Ben J. Williamson
A rapid method for quantifying single mineral phases in heterogeneous natural dusts using X-ray diffraction (17)

Wang Jun, Song Bo, Wang Wen-jun, Wu Rong, Sun Yan-fei, Zheng Yu-feng, and Jian Ji-kang
Synthesis and characterization of zinc sulfide hollow microspheres (24)


B. Grushko
X-ray powder diffraction data for high-temperature Al4Re(Ni)(29)

J. Maixner, J. Rohlíček, B. Kratochvíl, and A Šturc
X-ray powder diffraction data for alaptide, 8(S)-methyl-6,9-diazaspiro/4,5/decane-7,10-dione or cyclo(L-Alanyl-1-ami-no-1-cyclopentan carbonyl), cyclo(L-Ala-Acp) (32)

J. Barbier, L. J. M. Davis, G. R. Goward, and L. M. D. Cranswick
Ab initio structure determination of SrBi2OB4O9 by powder X-ray/neutron diffraction and NMR spectroscopy (35)

Guilherme Oliveira Siqueira, Érica Gonçalves Gravina, Jackson Antônio Lamounier Camargos Resende, and Nelson Gonçalves Fernandes
XRD diffraction data and Rietveld refinement of Na8[Si6Al6O24]Cl2 (41)

S. G. Antonio, C. O. Paiva-Santos, P. P. Corbi, A. C. Massabni, and F. C. Andrade
Powder X-ray characterization of lithium thiazolidine-4-carboxylate (44)

Johana Arboleda, Adriana Echavarría, and Luz Amparo Palacio
Powder diffraction data of Mn2MoO5 .0.6H2O (48)

Rajesh Kumar and Ranjana Ghose
X-ray powder diffraction study of some cobalt (II) complexes (50)

M. Alizadeh, K. Ahmadi, and A. Maghsoudipour
Powder diffraction data for new bismuth yttrium ytterbium oxides by XRD (53)


Joseph H. Reibenspies and Nattamai Bhuvanesh
A side-loading hermetic sample holder for X-ray powder diffraction (56)


Testimonial and Obituary in honor of Dr. Eugene P. Bertin (59)

2008 European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (60)

2008 Workshops on Specimen Preparation for XRF & Rietveld Refinement & Indexing (60)

Calendar of Meetings (65)

Short Courses & Workshops (66)

Notes For Authors (68)

Cumulative Author Index (73)

PDJ - June Volume 24 Cover

Abstracts, Editorials, and International Reports from Powder Diffraction are now available online free of charge. To view the abstracts with option to purchase articles or login if you have a subscription, please visit Cambridge Journals Online.  For information about subscribing please contact:

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Powder Diffraction – Vol. 24 Number 2 – June 2009


Ting C. Huang, Tom Blanton, and George Havrilla
Special issue on representative articles from 2008 Denver X-ray Conference (75)

Ting Huang
In memory of Tomoya Arai, a renowned scientist in X-ray fluorescence research and development(76)


T. N. Blanton, C. L. Barnes, M. Holland, K. B. Kahen, S. K. Gupta, and F. Bai
X-ray diffraction characterization of MOVPE ZnSe films deposited on (100)

GaAs using conventional and high-resolution diffractometers(78)

Mark A. Rodriguez, David P. Adams, and Ralph G. Tissot
Determination of activation energy of intermixing in textured metal-metal multilayer films via two-dimensional X-ray diffraction (82)

Y. Kuru, M. Wohlschlögel, U. Welzel, and E. J. Mittemeijer
Grain growth in nanocrystalline copper thin films investigated by non-ambient X-ray diffraction measurements (85)

G. A. Waychunas
Natural nanoparticle structure, properties and reactivity from X-ray studies (89)

B. J. Harder, J. Almer, K. N. Lee, and K. T. Faber
In situ stress analysis of multilayer environmental barrier coatings (94)

Zdenek Pala, Nikolaj Ganev, and Jan Drahokoupil
X-ray diffraction study of anisotropic state of residual stress after down-cut and up-cut face grinding (99)

Charles M. Dozier and Noureddine Anibou
An innovative EDXRD verification probe (102)

Severin Seifert, Juergen Neubauer, Friedlinde Goetz-Neunhoeffer, and Hubert Motzet
Application of two-dimensional XRD for the characterization of the microstructure of self-leveling compounds (107)

C. Hesse, F. Goetz-Neunhoeffer, J. Neubauer, M. Braeu, and P. Gaeberlein
Quantitative in situ X-ray diffraction analysis of early hydration of Portland cement at defined temperatures (112)


Lynn B. Brostoff, Catherine I. Maynor, and Robert J. Speakman
Preliminary study of a Georgia O’Keeffe pastel drawing using XRF and μXRD (116)

C. Namowicz, K. Trentelman, and C. McGlinchey
XRF of cultural heritage materials: Round-robin IV—paint on canvas (124)

M. Dumont, N. Zoeger, C. Streli, P. Wobrauschek, G. Falkenberg, P. M. Sander, and A. R. Pyzalla
Synchrotron XRF analyses of element distribution in fossilized sauropod dinosaur bones (130)

Kazuhiko Nakano, Kenta Okubo, and Kouichi Tsuji
Preconcentration of environmental waters by agar for XRF analysis (135)

C. Horntrich, F. Meirer, C. Streli, P. Kregsamer, G. Pepponi, N. Zoeger, and P. Wobrauschek
Influence of the sample morphology on total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (140)


Jennifer S. Le Blond, Gordon Cressey, Claire J. Horwell, and Ben J. Williamson
Erratum: A rapid method for quantifying single mineral phases in heterogeneous natural dusts using X-ray diffraction (Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 17–23) (145)

J. Maixner, J. Rohlíček, B. Kratochvíl, and A. Šturc
Erratum: X-ray powder diffraction data for alaptide, 8S-methyl-6,9-diazaspiro/4,5/
decane-7,10-dione or cyclo(L-Alanyl-1-ami-no-1-cyclopentan carbonyl), cyclo(L-Ala-Acp) (Volume 24, Issue 1)


ICDD Annual Spring Meetings—Another Successful Year! (147)

Calendar of Meetings (155)

Short Courses & Workshops (156)


D. Flaherty
2009 Denver X-ray Conference (158)

Cumulative Author Index (173)

PDJ - June Volume 24 Supplement Cover

Abstracts, Editorials, and International Reports from Powder Diffraction are now available online free of charge. To view the abstracts with option to purchase articles or login if you have a subscription, please visit Cambridge Journals Online.

Powder Diffraction – Vol. 24 Number 2-sup – June 2009


Ting C. Huang
Supplement issue for representative papers from the Eighth International Conference on Residual Stresses (S1)

I. Cevdet Noyan and Michael B. Prime
The Eighth International Conference on Residual Stresses (S1)


George Roy
Complementarity of experimental and numerical methods for determining residual stress states (S3)

S. Wroński, K. Wierzbanowski, A. Baczmański, A. Lodini, Ch. Braham, and W. Seiler
X-ray grazing incidence technique—corrections in residual stress measurement—a review (S11)

Balder Ortner
Why we should give up the sin2 Ψ method (S16)

Y. B. Guo and S. Anurag
Finite element modeling of residual stress profile patterns in hard turning (S22)

P. Lukáš, P. Strunz, V. Davydov, and R. Kužel
Evaluation of substructure parameters by peak profile analysis of high-resolution neutron diffraction spectra (S26)

J. Altenkirch, A. Steuwer, M. J. Peel, and P. J. Withers
The extent of relaxation of weld residual stresses on cutting out cross-weld test-pieces (S31)


Yoshiaki Akiniwa, Hidehiko Kimura, and Takeo Sasaki
Effect of residual stresses on fatigue strength of severely surface deformed steels by shot peening (S37)

A. T. Fry and J. D. Lord
Measuring residual stresses in stainless steel—recent experiences within a VAMAS exercise (S41)

Jürgen Gegner, Lorenz Schlier, and Wolfgang Nierlich
Evidence and analysis of thermal static strain aging in the deformed surface zone of finish-machined hardened steel (S45)

Beth S. Matlock, Daniel J. Snoha, and Scott M. Grendahl
Using XRD elastic and plastic strain data to evaluate the effectiveness of different cold-working techniques in aerospace materials (S51)

Siddhartha Roy, Jens Gibmeier, and Alexander Wanner
Residual stresses in novel metal/ceramic composites exhibiting a lamellar microstructure (S59)

J. Repper, M. Hofmann, C. Krempaszky, R. C. Wimpory, W. Petry, and E. Werner
Microstrain accumulation in multiphase superalloys (S65)

Hiroshi Suzuki, Manabu Kanematsu, and Koichi Kusunoki
Neutron diffraction studies on strain evaluation of rebar in reinforced concrete (S68)

Javier R. Santisteban, Axel Steuwer, Gladys Domizzi, and Matthew J. Peel
Determination of residual stresses around blisters in Zr-2.5%Nb pressure tubes (S72)

Thorsten Manns, André Rothkirch, and Berthold Scholtes
Residual stress determination in surface treated alumina samples applying beam limiting masks (S77)

M. Klaus, W. Reimers, and Ch. Genzel
Application of energy-dispersive diffraction to the analysis of highly inhomogeneous residual stress fields in thin film structures (S82)

Cumulative Author Index (S87)

PDJ - Sept Volume 24 Cover

Abstracts, Editorials, and International Reports from Powder Diffraction are now available online free of charge. To view the abstracts with option to purchase articles or login if you have a subscription, please visit Cambridge Journals Online.

Powder Diffraction – Vol. 24 Number 3 – September 2009


Ting C. Huang
Statistical analysis of 2008 papers for Powder Diffraction (179)


Tomoyuki Iwata, Tatsuya Horie, and Koichiro Fukuda
Reinvestigation of crystal structure and structural disorder of Ba3MgSi2O8 (180)

A. Le Bail
Ab initio structure determination of nanosized Θ-KAlF4 with edge-sharing AlF6 octahedra (185)

Melanie Müller, Robert E. Dinnebier, Martin Jansen, StefanWiedemann, and Carsten Plüg
Kinetic analysis of the phase transformation from α- to β-copper phthalocyanine: A case study for sequential and parametric Rietveld refinements (191)

A. Jrifi, A. El Jazouli, J. P. Chaminade, and M. Couzi
Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra of Sr0.5Zr2(AsO4)3 (200)

Serge Vives and Cathy Meunier
Influence of the X-ray diffraction line profile analysis method on the structural and microstructural parameters determination of sol-gel TiO2 powders (205)

Fernando Colombo and Elisa V. Pannunzio Miner
Synthesis and crystal structure refinement by the Rietveld method of antimony-bearing titanite Ca(Ti0.6Al0.2Sb0.2)OSiO4 (221)

S. R. Aghdaee and V. Soleimanian
Dislocations, crystallite size, and planar faults in nanocrystalline ceria (228)

Jingran Su, Youting Song, Daofan Zhang, and Xinan Chang
Characterization of unidirectionally grown NaCl1−xBrxO3 crystals (234)

Torsten Westphal, Thomas Füllmann, and Herbert Pöllmann
Rietveld quantification of amorphous portions with an internal standard—Mathematical consequences of the experimental approach (239)


Johana Arboleda, Adriana Echavarria, and Luz Amparo Palacio
Synthesis and characterization of (NH4)1.5Cu2Cr2O8(OH)1.5·H2O (244)

Jialin Yan, Liuqing Liang, Xingwen Lu, Lingmin Zeng, and Liangqin Nong
New diffraction data and crystal structure of HoCo0.67Ga1.33 (247)

Peter Varlashkin
X-ray powder diffraction data of lapatinib ditosylate monohydrate (250)


A. Le Bail, L. M. D. Cranswick, K. Adil, A. Altomare, M. Avdeev, R. Cerny, C. Cuocci, C. Giacovazzo, I. Halasz, S. H. Lapidus, J. N. Louwen, A. Moliterni, L. Palatinus, R. Rizzi, E. C. Schilder, P. W. Stephens, K. H. Stone, and J. van Mechelen
Third structure determination by powder diffractometry round robin (SDPDRR-3) (254)

Ralph Rowe
New statistical calibration approach for Bruker AXS D8 Discover microdiffractometer with Hi-Star detector using GADDS software(263)


C. Namowicz, K. Trentelman, and C. McGlinchey
Erratum: XRF of cultural heritage materials: Round-robin IV—paint on canvas [Powder Diffr. 24, 124–129 (2009)] (272)

J. Maixner, J. Rohlíček, B. Kratochvíl, and A. Šturc
Erratum: X-ray powder diffraction data for alaptide, 8(S)-methyl-6,9-diazaspiro/4,5/decane-7,10-dione or (cyclo(L-Alanyl-1-ami-no-1-cyclopentan carbonyl), cyclo(L-Ala-Acp) [Powder Diffr. 24, 32–34 (2009)](273)


The 14th International Clay Conference (XIV ICC) (274)

17th Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie March 9-12, Hannover, Germany (276)

The 2009 Material Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting Report (277)

PPXRD-8 Summary (279)

Calendar of Meetings (281)

Short Courses & Workshops (282)

Cumulative Author Index (284)

PDJ - Dec Volume 24 Cover

Abstracts, Editorials, and International Reports from Powder Diffraction are now available online free of charge. To view the abstracts with option to purchase articles or login if you have a subscription, please visit Cambridge Journals Online.

Powder Diffraction – Vol. 24 Number 4 – December 2009


Ting C. Huang
Publication of new diffraction data in Powder Diffraction (291)


A. Le Bail
Thermodiffractometry and crystal structures of the hexagonal-tungsten-bronze-related K3Al3F12 ·nH2O (n=2,1)  (292)

A. Le Bail
Crystal structure of NaAlF4, a new aristotype (301)

B. Belgacem, R. Ben Hassen, M. Pasturel, and H. Noel
Structural and magnetic studies of a new intermetallic compound: Er2Cu10.9Ga6.1 (306)

T. H. Peng, Y. F. Lou, S. F. Jin, W. Y. Wang, W. J. Wang, G. Wang, and X. L. Chen
Debye temperature of 4H-SiC determined by X-ray powder diffraction (311)

Husin Sitepu
Texture and structural refinement using neutron diffraction data from molybdite (MoO3) and calcite (CaCO3) powders and a Ni-rich Ni50.7Ti49.30 alloy (315)


E. Olszewska, B. Tarasiuk, and S. Pikus
New powder diffraction data of some derivatives of N-(hydroxyalkyl)-4-chlorophenoxyacetamide—Potential pesticides (327)

Selma Gutierrez Antonio, Fabio Furlan Ferreira, Gabriel Lima Barros Araujo, Jivaldo do Rosario Matos, and Carlos de Oliveira Paiva-Santos
X-ray diffraction data of tibolone Δ4 isomer (isotibolone) (337)

W. Wong-Ng, J. A. Kaduk, and M. Isobe
Reference X-ray powder diffraction pattern of a high-pressure phase, CaCo2O4 (343)


Joseph H. Reibenspies and Nattamai Bhuvanesh
X-ray powder diffraction characterization of iron microparticles on a Bruker SMART1000 single-crystal X-ray diffractometer (347)


James A. Kaduk
A Rietveld tutorial—Mullite (351)


The 58th Annual Denver X-ray Conference (DXC) (362)

The 2009 Annual Meeting of The American Crystallographic Association (365)

8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 2009) (366)

Calendar of Meetings (367)

Short Courses & Workshops (368)


PACS® Headings Used in the Present Index (369)

Subject Index to Volume 24 (371)

Author Index to Volume 24 (379)

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