Jenkins circle photo

Jenkins Awards

Honoring Ron Jenkins (1932 -2002)

Recognized as one of the great pioneers and leaders in the field of X-ray analysis, Ron Jenkins dedicated his career to the advancement of analytical X-rays through the fields of spectrometry and diffractometry. His career is characterized by many diverse roles including practical analyst, applications specialist, author of landmark texts, educator, Executive Director of the ICDD, ICDD Member-at-large, and both Member and Chairman of the Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee. Ron authored 10 textbooks on X-ray analytical methods, 11 book chapters, and approximately 230 papers dealing with X-ray applications and instrumentation. He shared his knowledge by teaching around the world to an estimated 5,000 students; he frequently organized scientific meetings, and established the International Journal of X-ray Spectrometry.

The Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee established the Jenkins Award in 2001 to recognize scientists who exhibit lifetime achievement in the advancement of the use of X-rays in materials analysis. Ron Jenkins was selected as the first recipient, receiving his award at the 50th Annual Denver X-ray Conference in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, on August 1, 2001.

Selection Process

The Jenkins Award Committee consists of four members: the chair, an XRF representative, an XRD representative, and the most recent past recipient.

Each member of the award committee may select as many as three candidates for the award. Each committee member assigns a point value to each candidate, based on his or her selection as first, second, or third choice. The candidate who receives the highest amount of points will receive the award.

Award Presentation

The Jenkins Award is presented biennially at the Plenary Session of the Denver X-ray Conference. It consists of a commemorative plaque, detailing the recipient’s scientific achievements, and a gift of $1,000.

Submission Process
  • Electronic: Candidates may be submitted to the Chairman of the DXC Award Committee by completing a DXC Awards Nomination Form. In addition to the nomination form, the candidate’s curriculum vitae must be sent via email to or by mail or fax using the contact information below.
  • Hardcopy: Alternatively, candidates may be submitted to the Chairman of the Selection Committee by mailing a letter of support describing the candidate’s major accomplishments relative to the award, signed by the nominator and two others, along with the candidate’s curriculum vitae to:

Chairman, DXC Awards Selection Committee
c/o Stephanie Jennings
International Centre for Diffraction Data
12 Campus Boulevard
Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273 USA
Fax: 610.325-9823

Submission Deadline

Submissions must be made by 1 October for the next year’s award.


Tim Elam - Jenkins Award
2023 Jenkins Award Recipient
Tim Elam, University of Washington, USA

Congratulations to our most recent Jenkins Award recipient, Tim Elam. The Jenkins Award was established in 2001 to recognize scientists who exhibit lifetime achievement in the advancement of the use of X-rays in materials analysis.

Dr. Elam received the award for his contributions to X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in the development of instrumentation and methods of X-ray analysis in challenging environments, including the PIXL micro-XRF spectrometer on the Mars rover Perseverance. The award also recognized his many contributions to educating others in the field of X-ray spectroscopy.

Mary Ann Zaitz
2021 Jenkins Award Recipient
Mary Ann Zaitz, Retired, IBM–System and Technology Group

Congratulations to our most recent Jenkins Award recipient, Mary Ann Zaitz. The Jenkins Award was established in 2001 to recognize scientists who exhibit lifetime achievement in the advancement of the use of X-rays in materials analysis.

Recently retired from IBM’s Systems and Technology Group in East Fishkill, New York, Mary Ann served as a Senior Researcher. In her 40+ year career at IBM, she was responsible for the X-ray fluorescence laboratory, which covered WDXRF, TXRF, mXRF, and XRR techniques. In this role, she provided XRF and TXRF technical support to all of IBM’s sites, including Poughkeepsie, Yorktown Research Center, and Albany Nano Technology Center. She holds several patents and patent disclosures at IBM.

Mary Ann served as team leader for the Trace Metallic Contamination Group, starting with XRF thin film analysis for process development, followed by routine quality control monitoring. She was a pioneer in using TXRF and became one of the leading scientists developing methods for its industrial use.

Early in her career, Mary Ann became involved in educating the XRF community and continues to pursue that mission today. She is a member of the Denver X-ray Conference (DXC) Organizing Committee where she has organized and taught many workshops and has also participated as an organizer and speaker in many DXC sessions. Mary Ann is also actively involved in the International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods, particularly when held in the US. In 1998 it was held in Austin, Texas, and in 2015, it was held jointly with the DXC in Westminster, CO. She was an instructor at the SUNY Albany XRF Clinic and is currently an instructor at the ICDD XRF Clinic. She also instructed at the ICDD short courses on Handheld XRF and TXRF. In 2010, Mary Ann was honored for her teaching efforts by being named an ICDD Fellow.

Our sincere congratulations to Mary Ann on receiving this prestigious award, honoring her significant achievements in the XRF field.



John Anselmo - Jenkins Award
2019 Jenkins Award Recipient
John Anzelmo, Anzelmo & Associates
Kaduk circle photo
2017 Jenkins Award Recipient
James Kaduk
Noyan circle photo
2015 Jenkins Award Recipient
Cev Noyan (right)
Jenkins Recipient - Van Grieken circle photo
2013 Jenkins Award Recipient
Rene Van Grieken (left)
Paul Predecki circle photo
2011 Jenkins Award Recipient
Paul K. Predecki
Fawcett circle photo
2009 Jenkins Award Recipient
Timothy Fawcett (right)
Ting Jenkins Award circle photo
2007 Jenkins Award Recipient
Ting C. Huang (right)
Buhrke circle photo
2005 Jenkins Award Recipient
Victor Buhrke (right)
2003 Jenkins Award Recipient
John Gilfrich (left)
Ron Jenkins circle photo
2001 Jenkins Award Recipient
Ron Jenkins


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