PPXRD-15 Presentations

August 2017 – Hyderabad, India

Presentation Title Authors
‣ Characterizing Biological Macromolecules using SAXS on a Multi-Purpose Laboratory X-ray Diffraction System D. Beckers, J. Bolze, B. Schierbeek, PANalytical, B.V., The Netherlands
A. Adibhatla, PANalytical, Inc., USA
‣ Atomic Pair Distribution Function (PDF) and X-ray Scattering Methods to Assess Amorphous Organic Compounds D. Beckers, M. Gateshki, PANalytical B.V., The Netherlands
A. Adibhatla, PANalytical, Inc., USA
‣ TEM 3D Precession Electron Diffraction Tomography to Solve Pharmaceutical API Structures P.P. Das, S. Nicolopoulos, NanoMEGAS sprl, Belgium
‣ Fast PDF Screening of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals C. Drathen, A. Kern, M. Evans, Bruker AXS GmbH, Germany
‣ Invited: Crystal Morphology Prediction of Structures Determined by X-ray Powder Diffraction F.F. Ferreira, Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Brazil
F. Punzo, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
‣ The Appropriate Internal Standard for Pharmaceuticals: The Art of Dealing with Compromises

M.L. Reinle-Schmitt, R. Frison, Excelsus Structural Solutions (Swiss) AG, Switzerland
P.P. Mazzeo, Excelsus Structural Solutions (Swiss) AG, Switzerland and University of Parma, Italy
F. Gozzo, Excelsus Structural Solutions (Swiss) AG, Switzerland and Excelsus Structural Solutions sprl, Belgium
‣ Invited: Why Polymorphism? An Evaluation using Experimental Charge Densities Analysis T.N. Guru Row, Indian Institute of Science, India
‣ Lessons Learned from 25 Commercial Pharmaceutical Crystal Structure Prediction Studies J. van de Streek, M.A. Neumann, Avant-garde Materials Simulation, Germany
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