PPXRD-12 Presentations

May 2013 – Beijing, China

Presentation Title Authors
‣ Invited – An Investigation of Non-Crystalline Materials Using X-ray Powder Diffraction Presentation S. Bates, Triclinic Labs, West Layfayette, IN, USA
‣ Improving the Pharmaceutical Subfile for the ICDD PDF-4/Organics Database C.E. Crowder, S. Pagola, T.G. Fawcett, ICDD, Newtown Square, PA, USA
M. Suchomel, L. Ribaud, B. Toby, APS, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA
J.A. Kaduk, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA
‣ Invited – Hard X-ray Free Electron Lasers for Structural Biology: Structure Determination of Nano-crystals and Single Particles Y.H. Dong, Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
‣ Best Practices in Formulation Analyses by X-ray Diffraction T.G. Fawcett, S.N. Kabekkodu, S.D. Gates, A.M. Gindhart, J.R. Blanton, C.E. Crowder, ICDD, Newtown Square, PA, USA
‣ The Development of Nanomaterials and Amorphous References and their Use in Pharmaceutical Identification and Characterization T.G. Fawcett, S.N. Kabekkodu, S.D. Gates, A.M. Gindhart, J.R. Blanton, C.E. Crowder, ICDD, Newtown Square, PA, USA
‣ Advances in Synchrotron XRPD for the Enhanced Characterization of Pharmaceuticals F. Gozzo, Excelsus Structural Solutions SPRL, Brussels, Belgium
I. Madsen, CSIRO Process Science and Engineering, Victoria, Australia
B. Aresta, C. Giannini, National Research Council, Institute of Crystallography, Bari, Italy
‣ Recent Advances in PPXRD Instrumentation and Application B. He, Bruker AXS, Inc., Madison, WI, USA
‣ The Determination of Amorphous Content A. Kern, Bruker AXS, Inc., Karlsruhe, Germany
‣ Invited – Crystal Structure Analysis of Pharmaceuticals with Electron Diffraction S. Nicolopoulos, Nanomegas, Brussels, Belgium
M. Gemmi, IIT Researcher, Pisa, Italy
F. Gozzo, Excelsus Structural Solutions SPRL, Brussels, Belgium
‣ Mechanochemically Initiated Isoniazid–Benzoic Acid Cocrystal Formation Under Accelerated Conditions I. Sarcevica, L. Orola, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
S. Belyakov, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia
‣ Crystal Structure Determination and Rietveld Refinement of Two Anhydrous Rifampicin Polymorphs using High-Resolution Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction R.C. Seiceira, A. Pitaluga Jr, T.C. dos Santos, Institute of Drug Technology, Farmanguinhos, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A.L. Ibiapino, A.C. Trindade, F.F. Ferreira, Federal University of ABC, Natural and Human Sciences Center, Santo André, Brazil
‣ Hydration / Dehydration Mechanism of Pharmaceutical Crystals Revealed by SDPD Method H. Uekusa, K. Fujii, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
‣ Invited – Process-Induced Phase Changes and Potential Impacts on Drug Product Performance D. Zhou, AbbVie, North Chicago, IL, USA
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